Antenatal Classes

Midwife Care offers clients midwife led Antenatal Classes, one to one, in your own home!

Very competitively priced @ £360!

Includes 3 sessions lasting 1 hour 40 mins each. Recommended from around 28 weeks of pregnancy

Covering following topics, which as an experienced Midwife, over the years, I find covers all areas which then allow you to make informed choices re your maternity care.

  1. What to expect @ term of pregnancy, including options for location of NHS birthing here in UK, how to manage post dates, and optimal fetal positioning
  2. Three stages of labour & birth
  3. Self help measures for coping with contractions, as well as all pain relief options; covering pro’s & con’s of each different method
  4. Common interventions in labour, including C/S
  5. Immediate post birth and surviving new motherhood/parenthood!
  6. Infant feeding; breastfeeding

Of course, given these sessions are one to one, you yourself can devise your own preferred topics to cover, and the level of depth of each topic! You may have concerns around particular aspects, & Midwife Care can support by offering sensitively delivered teaching sessions.

Please contact to book your 3 sessions!